Stop praying for content to work.
Get a content strategy roadmap.

This can't be you, right?

Your competitors are crushing it with organic traffic, and you know you can catch up and beat them.

Your business needs content, but you lack the time or expertise to craft a proper plan.

You are publishing content, but it’s not generating traffic or leads.

You need help with brainstorming new content ideas.

You want to build consistency in publishing.

If that *is* you, consider investing in a content strategy roadmap.

content strategy roadmap

Companies we helped:

Our philosophy

Content marketing has become very popular in the last decade. Unfortunately, there seems to be more noise and lower quality than ever.

What we’re seeing is an influx of spending and a massive increase in content creation but a lack of content marketing strategy.

Worst part? Most content marketing & SEO agencies aren’t helping.

They are lowering costs by outsourcing content production to low-cost third-world countries. The result is mass-produced, often unreadable content, which fails to connect with your target audience.

Content marketing is a long-term investment that requires careful planning and execution.

At DuoQ, we believe it’s essential to think about the entire customer journey. That means identifying keywords & topics across the funnel and creating content that helps potential clients move from one stage of the funnel to the next.

It also means talking to your sales and support teams to get a sense of what prospects and customers are struggling with.

By addressing the entire lifecycle, from awareness through purchase, we can create truly engaging content that resonates with your audience & helps them convert.

Here's how we craft content & SEO strategies

It’s a 6-step process

1. We deep dive into your business environment

Our process begins with a deep dive into your business environment. We’ll set up a call with the business owner and ask questions to better understand the company’s mission, values, and goals.

Next, we’ll take a closer look at the problems the company is solving and how they’re solving them.

Once we have a firm understanding of the business, we’ll move on to identifying their unique selling proposition.

From there, we’ll define the target audience and determine what kind of voice best resonates with them.

By the end of our process, we’ll clearly understand your brand and what it takes to succeed in your market.

2. Then, create a list of topics your audience is already requesting

You can gather feedback by monitoring social media, conducting surveys, or simply paying attention to the questions your sales team is getting from leads.

Once we’ve compiled a list of customer-driven topics, it’s time to do some research. 

We talk with the business owner, product & sales team, and customer support to better understand the issues your target audience is facing. This will help you narrow down your list and select the best topics for your content.

Finally, prioritize!

Not all topics are of equal business value, so choose those that are most likely to resonate with your audience and generate results for your business.

3. Perform a competitive analysis

A competitive analysis is essential in developing a winning content & SEO strategy.

By analyzing your competitors, we can identify opportunities and quick wins that we could have previously missed.

It also helps us pinpoint where most of their organic traffic is coming from, giving you valuable insights into what content topics are resonating with your audience.

As a result, competitive analysis is a critical tool for any business serious about staying ahead of the competition.

4. Do keyword research & prioritization

Keyword research is the process of identifying words and phrases potential customers use to search for products or services like yours.

Our approach is based on a few key principles. First, we believe it’s vital to target “long tail” keywords—phrases highly specific to what you offer and that are less likely to be targeted by your competitors.

Second, we prioritize keywords with high commercial intent—in other words, those that are more likely to convert into sales or leads.

And finally, we believe in constantly testing and refining your keyword list—based on real data from your website visitors—to ensure that you’re always focused on the most effective keywords.

5. Do topic ideation

Our philosophy on content topic ideation is rooted in understanding the customer journey, search & commercial intent, and what’s already working for other companies.

We use customer feedback and SEO best practices to ensure that we’re creating content that your audience is actually interested in reading and is likely to rank highly in search engines.

6. Craft a content calendar

Think of a content calendar as an editorial calendar for your business’s content marketing initiatives. Our content calendar helps you plan, track, and publish content on a regular basis.

We start by mapping out all the keywords you want to rank for in the next six months and prioritize them by search volume, ranking difficulty, and customer journey.

Inside our content calendar, you will know how the campaign is progressing, the content delivery status, the deadline for publishing, and access to all our work in one place.

7. And finally, start content production

No more funny business – we’re ready for launch!

The next step is for our SEO and content strategists to create detailed briefs based on the previously collected data for the writers.

These briefs will include all of the essential information the writers need to produce high-quality SEO content that your audience will absolutely adore.

Once the content is written, it will be reviewed by our editing team to ensure that it meets our high standards before being published on your site.

Now, it’s time to sit back and watch the traffic (and conversions!) come rolling in.

Nice! So, what's the commitment?

We typically begin content strategy right after ensuring your website is running smoothly from a technical SEO perspective.

After successfully crafting your SEO & content strategy, we may begin with content production.

Our 3-step engagement process

1. Check if you qualify

On our discovery call, we gather knowledge about your business, goals, and previous marketing activities. Here we'll determine whether we are the right fit to work together.

2. Get onboarded

You will be invited to our Slack channel and project management suite so you can keep track of what we are working on every step of the way.

3. Strategy buildout

Once we understand your business environment and collect the necessary information, we perform the steps outlined above and provide you with deliverables & insights through our PM suite & Slack.

Are we a good match?

We're a good fit if:

We are probably not a good fit if:

Why DuoQ?

Been there, done that. We have First Principles processes that have generated results for all of our clients.

All-inclusive content marketing agency. We have content experts, SEO analysts, and growth hackers on our team that ensure your goals are met.

Transparency and no BS. We share all our insights and project plans with you, bla bla.

Time and cost-effective. Thinking about hiring a content manager? And a team of writers? And an SEO? This can easily add up costs with no guarantee on ROI. Let’s skip that and let us take content strategy of off your plate.

Case Study

How Lempod Grew From 50 to Over 400+ Organic Visitors per Day in Less Than 4 Months

Check the simple and powerful process that helped Lempod grow exponentially.

Frequently asked questions

We infuse keyword research data with insights from your sales team, customer support team, product team, and social media questions to develop a comprehensive strategy that genuinely provides value and ranks high on Google.

By taking the time to understand what your audience is looking for and what questions they need answered, we can develop content that will not only attract new readers but also keep them coming back for more.

The idea is to build a 6-month plan that strategically first targets low-hanging fruits and then expand our aim to higher-difficulty keywords with more volume.

Once we have a content calendar, it’s easy to focus on what truly matters – producing unique, high-quality content.

We regularly use Ahrefs, SEMrush, SurferSEO, Buzzsumo, and other tools. 

It’s important to note that while keyword research is essential, we first start by ideating topics in valuable pillars that make business sense and then optimize those content pieces to rank high on Google.

Typically, we’ll craft a detailed SEO & content strategy within a month of our engagement. 

The exact time will depend on how much input we receive from you and your team and how large the project’s scope is.

Of course. 

We have a team of SEO strategists, content managers and dedicated writers ready to help you scale.


We work with various agencies that specialize in different services and need our solutions on a “per project” basis.

If you would like to learn more, schedule a regular discovery call or send us an email at

Let's work together.

We’ve helped various tech companies map out their SEO & content strategy, resulting in the massive long-term results. Learn how we can help you too.