Case Study

How Lempod Grew From 50 to 400+ Organic Visitors per Day in Less Than 4 Months


Unique organic visitors per day in less than 4 months.


Organic keywords our client is ranking for. We started from less than 50.


Members in the LinkedIn Growth Hackers community.


of companies outsource content marketing activities to agencies; for large companies (1,000+ employees), it goes up to 75%.
Source: Content Marketing Institute, 2022 Report


of marketers who invest in blogging say it's effective and 10% say it generates the biggest return on investment.
Source: Hubspot, The Marketing Trends of 2022


of decision-makers confirmed that they invest more than one hour weekly reading and reviewing thought-leadership content.
Source: Edelman, LinkedIn, 2021

About the client

Lempod is the biggest LinkedIn automation tool currently on the market. It helps its users reach 10x bigger audience than before by joining various engagement pods.

Industry: SaaS

Niche: LinkedIn Automation

Service Provided: SEO, Content Marketing, and Community Management

Featured Posts


lempod’s challenges were the same as challenges most SaaS marketing automation startups face:

  1. Lack of relevant high-intent keywords
  2. Short-tail keywords were too challenging to rank for due to weak site authority
  3. The budget didn’t allow for crazy experimentation or rapid publishing

Our growth strategy

We focused on creating a structured and effective content strategy with a special focus on content distribution and community building.

The process being:

  1. Prioritizing low-hanging fruits
  2. Defining an ICP (Ideal Customer Persona)
  3. Writing *literally* the best content out there
  4. Bonus: Content distribution

If you are curious about the details of this strategy, read our in-depth process breakdown for this client by clicking below.

Final results

People love it when you provide them value, and the proof for that is that some of our top-performing lempod articles generated 200+ customers for lempod. It was a huge success.

Besides a crazy increase in profit and active users, other results were:

It's your turn to drive more traffic, leads, and revenue.

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