Case Study

How We Took a Local Business From 0 to 86k+ Monthly Visitors in 365 Days.


Organic backlinks were generated through our content with no manual link-building involved.


Organic keywords our client is ranking for. We started from zero.


Business growth and number of new customers driven by content marketing alone.

About the client

Our client is a B2B and B2C flower shop based in Belgrade, Serbia. They specialize in event decorations and corporate interior floral arrangements and design.

Industry: Decorations and Design

Location: Serbia

Service Provided: SEO and Content Marketing


The client’s business has been successfully operating since 1998. And while they had a strong presence locally amongst the community, their digital presence was non-existing.

They also struggled to find a devoted agency that can optimize their website and produce content in the Serbian language that resonates with the target audience while bringing in ROI.

Our growth strategy

Everything we have done can be summed up in the following steps:
  1. In-depth Market research & Customer Research
  2. Crafting a detailed ICP.
  3. SEO Health Check – Making sure that the website is technically sound before publishing content.
  4. Engineering an SEO Strategy that will immediately start generating some traffic.
  5. Writing content that is better than everyone else’s.
  6. Creating a distribution strategy
If you are curious about the details of this strategy, read our in-depth process breakdown for this client by clicking below.

Final results

Again, they had no content published beside a homepage.

So we created an SEO & content strategy, mapped out the topics started engaging with the target audience at every step of the customer journey.

In total, we published around 86+ articles on their website over a few months.

The results?

  • 86k+ organic visitors per month through content alone
  • 2x new customers & business growth
  • 420+ organic backlinks generated.

The best part is that we’ve achieved all of this with no backlinks built and a domain rating of zero – just pure content production. 

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